Recent Posts

5 Soft skills every developer should know

John Somnez youtube video from Xamarin Evolve 2016 Talk.

JavaScript links

Usefull JavaScript resources

10 Steps to learn anything quickly — Vue.js

Using John Somnez technique to learn Vue.js

Yandex Interface Development School

Youtube videos of Yandex Interface Development School in 2013 (Moscow).

Web Developers Day meetup

CMS, SEO, webmaster meetup.

Interview at Rubyroid Labs

My first interview.

Preparation for interview

My preparation for Ruby on Rails interview.

RSpec my Pushkin

Finaly added RSpec to Pushkin Contest Bot.

Craft Academy

Interesting resource for (self-)education.

Placement letter

I send my first placement letter.

Creating personal blog

Creating personal blog based on GitHub.

Pushkin contest

The resulting project of Ruby courses.

Rubizza Hangout. Utche#3

Ruby meetup.

GoWay Meetup 1.1

Go meetup.

IoT Meetup

Internet of Things meetup.

Fourth homework

The main theme of this homework is to connect people affected by hype in both bitcoins and bonsticks.

What the hack?

The slogan of this hackathon was “hack the reality”.


I wanted to understand how HTTP protocol works.

Ruby Object Model

While preparing for interview I had to find out what is Ruby Object Model.