What the hack?
The slogan of this hackathon was “hack the reality”.
The aim of this hackathon was not to develop something useful.
In 44 hours I’ve developed a project named “Hello world”.
The main theme in this project is to show the growing number of programming languages we have to know to stay relevant.
I have half knowledge in some areas, but recruitment sites require me to know more:
I did some research to find out all urgent programming languages:
Programming Languages Influence Network
PopularitY of Programming Language
I bumped up my skills by good old “hello world’s”:
JavaScript — Brendan Eich
Java — James Gosling
Python — Guido van Rossum
CSS — Håkon Wium Lie
PHP — Rasmus Lerdorf
Ruby — Yukihiro Matsumoto
C++ — Bjarne Stroustrup
C — Dennis Ritchie
Shell — Stephen Richard “Steve” Bourne
C# — Anders Hejlsberg
Objective C — Brad Cox
R — Ross Ihaka
VimL — Bram Moolenaar
Go — Robert Griesemer
Perl — Larry Wall
CoffeeScript — Jeremy Ashkenas
TEX — Donald Knuth
Swift — Chris Lattner
Scala — Martin Odersky
Lisp — John McCarthy
Haskel — Lennart Augustsson
Lua — Roberto Ierusalimschy
Clojure — Rich Hickey
Matlab — Cleve Moler
Arduino — Massimo Banzi
Groovy — Guillaume Laforge
Puppet — Luke Kanies
Rust — Graydon Hoare
PowerShell — Jeffrey Snover
Makefile — Stuart Feldman
Now I’ve bumped up my skills! I’m a full-stack developer!
During my education, I found out not only the hello worlds, but the inventors of each language.
And now is the judgement day for all of them!
As far as this is fun hackathon I’ll send spam e-mail to all the inventors.
I'm a super-duper programmer.
I can write "Hello, world" in all urgent programming languages!
So, please hire me.
So i did it!
Finally I won in the nomination “The most useless piece of code”.
And as far as this is fun hackathon I think that I won in the main nomination!
Source files are available on GitHub.